
Scars may occur from a variety of circumstances including accidents, skin conditions like acne, surgical scarring, or as the result of certain diseases.
When recovering from an injury or skin condition, your skin cells work to make collagen in order to repair the wound at a quicker rate than your body’s natural collagen production. This results in a scar, which is an area of skin that is typically thicker and not as flexible as the rest of your skin.
The appearance of scars varies depending on what they were caused by and how your body heals as a result. Scars may be flat, keloid, raised or depressed. They vary in size, shape, and color. A scar can be a painful reminder of previous scenarios that we would rather not think about. They can also cause emotional discomfort if you are unhappy with their appearance.
Laser treatments for scars in the great Los Angeles area
We offer multiple laser treatments to address the appearance of a scar.* If you are interested in learning more about laser treatments, contact us to find out what procedure is best for you. You can schedule a consultation with Dr. Rubinstein at our Studio City or Simi Valley location.
*Individual results may vary; not a guarantee.
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