AccuTite RFAL
Sometimes the smallest things give us the greatest insecurities. Tiny problem areas like sagging jowels, heavy set nasolabial folds or baggy eyelids can now be addressed with precision using AccuTite Radio Frequency Assisted Lypolisis. (RFAL)
What is AccuTite?
AccuTite is a minimally invasive procedure that uses the latest in radiofrequency technology from the inside the skin to improve skin laxity and tightness in problem areas. It helps reduce small pockets of fat which helps contour areas such as the jawline and nasolabial folds and tightens skin and contours other small areas of concern deep inside the skin.
AccuTite works by taking advantage of a technology called RFAL, which stands for radio frequency assisted lipolysis. This kind of technology by InMode can eliminate fat cells and tighten skin. AccuTite delivers precision heating to small and delicate areas of the face and body, with the science and safety of RFAL technologies.
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During an AccuTite treatment, a hand-held cannula applicator is inserted under the skin to transfer radiofrequency directly into the fat with an internal electrode. The RF energy travels up through the tissues to the external electrode on the skin surface. The system monitors both the internal and external temperatures in real-time which ensures adequate heating of the fat and skin while automatically shutting off before unsafe temperatures are reached. AccuTite is performed under a generous amount of local anesthesia, called tumescent anesthesia. This helps alleviate pain and helps the smooth guidance of the probe in the skin.
An AccuTite procedure can last as little as 20 minutes to one hour depending on the size of the area being treated. Most patients can resume normal activities in 2 to 3 days.
IS AccuTite SAFE?
AccuTite is a technologically advanced procedure. It is among the safest rejuvenating procedures available to patients today. AccuTite is equipped with advanced temperature sensing technology to prevent damage to the skin and dermis. Additionally, unlike traditional cosmetic surgery, this revolutionary procedure doesn’t require patients to undergo the risk of general anesthesia.
Because it is minimally invasive, recovery moves quickly. Patients may feel sore or tender for up to 5 to 7 days after the procedure, but they are often able to resume daily activities within a few days of treatment. Swelling and bruising are the most common considerations 2-3 days post-treatment.

A single treatment of AccuTite per area is usually all that is needed. Patients will almost immediately see the results of the removed fat. Skin contraction is often noticeable after 6 weeks but continues to improve up to one year after treatment.
Even though the aging process continues, fat cells that were destroyed are permanent and since your skin is building new collagen through the process of recovery, the results are long lasting and preventative. Lifestyle choices like diet and exercise can help prolong the results of the treatment.
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Schedule NowMORPHEUS8 PLUS AccuTite
For best results, a Morpheus8 RF Microneedling treatment is often combined with AccuTite in the same session. Taking advantage of the anesthesia, Morpheus8 can be painlessly administered in the treatment areas to help rejuvenate the entire skin of the face and neck, or partial areas as indicated.
Morpheus8 utilizes insulated Microneedling, delivering radiofrequency energy deep inside the skin. This treatment has overall rejuvenating effects on the skin, such as improving skin texture, fine lines and wrinkles; increasing volume via the increased production of collagen and elastin; and by diminishing and improving the appearance of acne scars. The skin tightening is seen over time as the skin repairs itself from the inside out. Other benefits include minimal downtime, minimal risk, short recovery time and natural-looking results.
- Well hydrated skin responds best to treatment. Drink plenty of fluids and avoid alcohol three days prior to treatment.
- Avoid skin irritation or intentional skin tanning. No sun exposure two weeks before and after treatment
- Discontinue topical skin irritants for one week prior to treatment. This includes any retinol or acid based skin care products.
- Arrive for treatment with clean skin. There should be no lotion, makeup, perfume, powder or bath/shower oil present on the skin in the area to be treated.
- If pain medication will be administered, please arrange for a ride home after the procedure.
- Be prepared with any balance payment prior to the procedure and administering of any oral preop medications.
- No fillers in the treatment area 4 weeks before treatment.
Radiofrequency without Microneedling is used for maintenance of results to keep the skin active and continue producing collagen and elastin. Forma is a completely non-invasive treatment with no downtime or numbing. Forma feels like a warm massage and can be performed weekly for rejuvenation or intermittently for maintenance. Skin tightening, pore reduction, and skin lifting can be achieved with a 6 weekly treatment rejuvenation package.
Antioxidants, growth factors, retinols and sun protection help maintain results and prevent further skin damage. Schedule a post-treatment consultation with our skincare consultant to design your individualized skincare regimen. We recommend starting with the following protocols:
- RUBINSTEIN|MD Anti Aging Regimen ($325) available at
- Revision Nectifirm Advanced ($140) is recommended fo all neck treatments to help maintain the skin of the neck.
*Individual results may vary; not a guarantee.
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