Inadequate Eyelashes

Do you suffer from inadequate eyelashes?
Are you are unhappy with the appearance of your eyelashes? Whether due to genetics, a medical condition or other reasons, inadequate eyelashes may cause you to feel self-conscious.
Treatments in Los Angeles
Signs of inadequate lashes include sparse, short eyelashes that are thin, delicate and may fall out easily or frequently. Now with the help of Latisse, you can achieve the thick, long, lush eyelashes that you desire.* We offer Latisse at our Dermatology and Laser Centre offices in Los Angeles – Studio City and Simi Valley.
Latisse is the first FDA-approved product to stimulate eyelash growth to be longer and thicker.* It is a prescription product and therefore only available by visiting us. To get started, schedule your consultation with Dr. Rubinstein.
*Individual results may vary; not a guarantee.
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